Minangkabau was governed by a cultural based system. In this government two system were functioned by two major ethnic that live minagkabau region, which is Aristocracy that practiced by Koto-Piliang ethnic and Democracy that practice by  Bodi-tjianiago ethnic.Which founded by two legendary adat givers Datuk Ketemeggunan and Datuk perpatih Nan Sebatang respectively.

Minangkabau was governed by a culturally-based system where two systems of government were adopted according to two major ethnics living in that region. Koto-Piliang practised their government through Aristocratic system while Bodi-Tijianiago people implemented Democratic. Two legendary adats founded by Datuk Ketemenggunan and Datuk Perpatih Nan Sebatang were fully implemented in nagari, the village level government. 

Each main ethnic or clans have their own representatives in the nagari council. Similar to the republic, the nagari was in fact an independent form of government - it is the federations of Nagaris who formed the Minangkabau as a kingdom. However, it was merely a symbol for cultural unity represented in Minangkabau rather than formally exercising the real political power. Penghulu leads the Nagari and implemented the power as a leader as King (Raja) appears only as a symbol

To form one Nagari, the leader need to have a great influence as they also need to become the leader for several tribes in Minangkabau. They need to have one mosque, one Adat hall, road and Public bath in their Nagari. From the above slide we know to form the Nagari need these four places, to consider this is Nagari.

A mosque is a sacred place where the religious rituals took place. While in Adat Hall, social affairs are discussed in order to maintain the harmonies in Minangkabau itself. The membership of the Adat hall consists of a religious dignitary and Adat elite.

This is the political structure for Nagari. They have Raja Alam, Raja Ibadat and Raja Adat. All of these Raja live in a specific region and can make their own decisions. However, when both Raja Adat and Raja Ibadah have a problem in solving certain problems, they can bring this problem to Raja Alam to make the decision. Raja Alam cannot solely make the decision, the three Raja need to discuss with such we call nowadays, the minister. Their decision can only be decided when a consensus from all ministers are collected. The ministers in Alam Minangkabau Palace can be see n in the chart above:

When the decision has been made, it will be announced to peoples by letters and the beat of "Tabuh" in each Nagari.
Hamka, (1982). Ayahku. Jakarta: UMMINDA publication

Rais, Z. (2001). Against Islamic Modernism, The Minangkabau Traditionalist Response to The Modernist Movement. Jakarta Selatan: Logos Wancan Ilmu.

Hamka. (1985). Islam dan Adat Minagkabau. Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas.